18 relevant social media stories

by Maarten Swemmer Leave a reply »

Many, many articles are written on social media and social media marketing. How you should do it personally, how you should do it as a company, trends, what is hot etc. And social media like Twitter and LinkedIn are used to spread the links. As an online professional interested in consumer behavior, social media is of special interest to me and I try to keep track of the publications. For my own and for your use, I’ve gathered some here and added a short summary, so you can easily see if it’s relevant for you. I will keep this list up to date by keeping only the most recent and relevant links.

If you feel something recent and relevant is missing, please let me know by leaving a response below.

Social media trends

Social media strategies

Social media tips and tricks

Social media measurement of success

Social media feedback, frustrations and observations

This category of links is perhaps a bit weird. Not much is being published and shared about less positive experiences with social media tools. However, these are probably the stories that can lead us to true insight.

Live tweets on “social media” and “socialmedia”

And of course more and more is published every day:

With this overview I do not try to be complete, as that would be impossible and remove the purpose of this summarizing overview. However, if you feel something recent and relevant is missing, please let me know by leaving a response below.